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you wear sandals in the snow and a smile that won't wash away

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Tales from the Steppes


11:20 a.m.
She was going to shake her ass on the hood of Whitesnake�s car

That song totally drives me up the wall. Probably because I�ve heard it soooo many times. We downloaded it for the EM and she has it on a CD of her favorites. Which she listens to every night. On repeat. I hear it as I fall asleep. I hear it in my dreams. I hear it when I wake up. I hear it in the car as she sings along. Enough! But at least it isn�t Britney Spears.

I do have to laugh because it reminds me of something that was made up a long time ago. Now I don�t remember all of the specifics on this, so if I am wrong on who originated this, I apologize in advance. It seems that Meghan Pengwynn and members of her household had made up a fictitious place called Hogwallow Hollow and they populated it with various people in the Society and gave them all jobs. I don�t really remember the specifics of what they came up with, only how it related to me. Mostly because it made me laugh so hard. You see, they had Knarlic running the used car lot. And I was the girl that sat out on the hoods of the cars, trying to get people to buy them. So every time I hear that song, I mentally edit it to �She was going to shake her ass on the hood of Knarlic�s car.�

Go ahead and laugh. It�s ok.

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