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Monday, January 2

hosted by

Tales from the Steppes


10:04 p.m.
Wednesday, January 4

One of the coolest, but oh so maddening, things about the YM is that he is non-linear. On the way back from the aquarium, the SU took the mongols to Wendy's. Everyone was very excited because they had not had fast food in quite some time. And what a tragedy this deprivation was. Anyway, the MM convinced the YM, the boy who eats little pieces of breaded chicken, to get his personal favorite bit of fast food instead - the Bacon Junior Cheeseburger. The Holy Grail of fried food products. This was the YM's first time; he was a BJC virgin. When the burger came, he eagerly took a bite only to be bitterly disappointed because it had not only CHEESE but BACON on it. I wonder, should the name BACON Junior CHEESEburger have tipped him off? Apparently not.

Tomorrow is the younger Mongols first day back in their rebuilt school. And I cannot wait. Nearly two weeks of working partial days. I am soooo behind, even with bringing work home with me. They are both very excited as well, though not for the same reason, I think. Now the SU and I just have to adjust to their new schedule. The bus comes 15 minutes later in the morning and gets home 15 minutes earlier. Doesn't sound like much, I know, but I don't really have 15 minutes to shave off of my workday and neither does the SU.

Past Few Tales


Thursday, October 26

Friday, October 20

Thursday, October 19

Wednesday, October 18

Upcoming raids

moon phases