Newest Tale

Older Tales

Mail the Herder

About the Mongols

Leave Me a Note

Wednesday, May 3

hosted by

Tales from the Steppes


10:30 a.m.
Monday, May 8

Ok, so real entry later. Here is the short version of what happened last week: Instead of merely pitchforks and torches, the people in question also showed up with buckets of verbal crap to throw at staff. Allegations were made, some of them were quite serious. Staff was not given a chance to respond, as there were no grounds for the allegations. So now the matter is under legal investigation, as well as the national press being alerted and present. I locked the diary so I could remove anything in the last few months that would potentially embarrass my employer and will hopefully get to the previous years soon.

I think we can safely say that my stress levels have approached a new high.

And tomorrow is my one year anniversary in this job. Woohoo.

Past Few Tales


Thursday, October 26

Friday, October 20

Thursday, October 19

Wednesday, October 18

Upcoming raids

moon phases