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Thursday, January 12

hosted by

Tales from the Steppes


1:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 15

Music too heinous to listen to closely enough to understand the lyrics
- Kelley Clarkson or is that what's her face Simpson?

I have spent much of this weekend working with the EM on her Julius Caesar essay. And trying not to throttle her. I do understand that Roman history is not the easiest to understand and I was a bit over the line with my Suetonius. But I have walked her through a simplified version of what led up to Caesar's death a number of times. We developed an outline in her own words. She has the required primary source and a couple of good secondary ones. All she has to do is write the damn thing and be done with it. And that is taking hours and hours of not only her time, but mine as well.

Not too mention irritating the crap out of me that I am she-who-must-handle-all-school-related-issues. Because I "know so much more about these things." Snort.

Tomorrow I am spending the day with just the YM. Both the EM and MM have sleepovers with day long activities to go to tonight so that leaves me just the YM. The SU does not have the day off so I have a hot date with my curly brained child. Looks like we may be going to the museums first, followed by a movie. This promises to be a delightful day because not only does the YM like to hold hands but he likes to skip along while doing so. Perhaps I will get him to bring along his sketchbook so I can show him how to draw at the art museum. Doubtful it will last too long, as his attention span is that of a 5 year old.

The only thing that might interfere with this rosy plan is my superviser's home computer network. Last Sunday night I drove out to his house to attempt to help him with his setup and made some progress. Clearly not enough, as he called my house last night to ask for more help. I was not home so the SU tried to help him over the phone without much sucess. I really, really do not want to do this. It is nothing personal - he is a really nice guy and all that, I just don't want to spend the time to straighten everything out correctly. I know this is selfish but I am already swamped with other things and this qualifies as just one more, not a high priority for me.

Past Few Tales


Thursday, October 26

Friday, October 20

Thursday, October 19

Wednesday, October 18

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moon phases